Welcome to our new MTE PTA Spirit Wear website. We are proud to announce our online Mark Twain Elementary shop. Our new online store will be offering great products throughout the year.
With the help of Full Press Print, we have gone online, making our Spirit Wear available 24/7. All year, products will be delivered within a two week time frame at the end of each month. No more waiting or wishing you could get new sizes as your kids outgrow them! This school year, every Friday will be Spirit Days, so enjoy the availability, designs, family friendly costs, and order today!
Proceeds from the MTE Spririt Wear online shop will directly benefit the MTE PTA.
Please note that MTE PTA will only be selling merchandise online this year.
All orders are fulfilled by the end of the month the order was placed.
Contact marktwainpta.spiritwear@gmail.com for more information.